At its core, decks with this Yu-Gi-Oh! card heavily rely on reacting to the opponent’s plays and, through Dark Magician sacrifices, constantly prevent them from engaging on the offensive. One of the main plays any Dark Magician specialist should aspire to master in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel would be the ace card’s reliance on tempo and adaptability. Moreover, players can use cards such as Super Polymerization to use enemy monsters as fusion material and secure frontline defense with Destiny Hero - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer.

For instance, players can rely on banishments (Dark Magical Circle), backline destructions (Dark Magical Attack), and backline defense (Solemn Judgment). This particular deck once again makes use of summoning the Dark Magician through various means (Soul Servant, Eternal Soul) but rather also utilizes other cards to compensate for various situations.
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